Essential Oil, Organic Lavender, 10ml.


Mt. Sapola Organic Lavender Essential Oil is 100% Pure, Certified Organic by Balkan Biocert.


Organic Lavender Essential Oil

100% Pure, Balkan Biocert Certitied Organic.

Botanical Name : Lavandula angustifolium

Extraction method : Stream Distillation
Perfumery Note : Middle
Aromatic Description : Light, sweet iloral scent.
Therapeutic properties : Analgesic, Anti-intlammatory, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Antispasrnodic, Imnunostirnulant and Cicatrisant.
Why Bulgarian Lavender?
Bulgarians lavender is a species of the lavender Lamily (lavandula vera) w hich is native to Bulgaria. The general air-humidity, regular precipitation, and well-drained loarny soil makes for the perfect conditions fur the cullivation of this plant. This Lavender essential oil come from the farm nearby an old - fashioned village where is the perfect place for herbs cultivating in. The area has a long lasting history in lavender and other herbs growring. In tact, Bul garia is one of the largest praducers ot lavender and lavender oil in the world. Lavender has been around since as early as 600 BC.

How is Bulgarian L avender different from other I avenders?
Bulgarian lavender essential wil diflers from other lavender oils in ways that are immediately noticeable one of the first things you will discover is that its aroma is at once more pronounced and assertive. For this reason, Bulgarian lavender is preferred for use in perfumery - much more so than its Linglish counterpart, which is higher in camphor and more medicinal in aroma.
The therapeutic properties of Bulgarian lavender are amplified due to its high linalool and linalyl acetate content. These terpenes are widely known to reduce stress. light intlammation, relieve depression, and realign the immune system, making it the nunber one choice fur calming blends and for diflusing during meditation and massage.

Linalool, in particular, is proven to reduce anxiety and combat seizures. It has the ability to reduce pain and lends a mild sedative effect, which why it is particularly helpful to dilluse in the bedroomn if you have trouble falling aslcep.

Description : Lavender can be used for minor wounds like bruises, burns, cuts and scrapes, hug hites, and sumhurn. Supportive to healthy reproductive, respiratory, lymphatic, circulatory, muscular, and imunune systems. Lavender is great for skin care as its anti-intlamatory and regenerative properties help soothe irritated and sensitive skin. It is known as the best essential oil for relaxalion as it helps calm stress and anxiety, eases headaches, and promotes restful sleep.
Use : Fasing Nervous Tension, Relaxation, Stress and Sleep, Pain ful SunbuTns, Overall Skin Health, Nalural Hair Growth, ltchy Dandruff, Headaches, Nausea, Menstrual Discomfort,

Blend well with : Bergamot, Cedarwoud, Clove Bud, Clary Sage, Geranium, Lemon, Neroli, Patchouli, Rose Absolute, Rosemary, Sandalwood, Vetiver.

Oil Burner: Add 4 drops of essential oil for a burning time of 20 minutes.
Massage: Dilute 3-5 drops of essential oil in lo ml. of carrier oil.
Inhalation: Put 5 drops in 200 ml, of steamed water and inhale for 3-5 minutes.
Bath: Put 15 drops of essential oil in the bath tub fur a 20 minutes bath.
Precautions : It is considered a non-toxic, non-irritant and non-sensitizing oil.

General Safety Information : Do not take any oils intermally. If you are pregnant, cpileptic, have liver damnage, have cancer, or have any other medical problem, use oils only under the proper guidance of a qualified aromatherapy practitioner. Use extreme caution when using oils with children and be sure to first read the recommended dilution ratios for children. Consult a qual ified aromatherapy praclitioner belure using oils with children, the clderly, if you have medical issues or are taking medications.
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